At last Thursday's meeting we continued the discussion regarding holding a
members night once a month. The intention of the members night was to have
the time and space available for a talk, presentation, discussion etc on a
wide variety of diving related topics that would be for the interest of and
benefit to members. It would also afford an opportunity for just the members
to get together, something which has been difficult for some time.
We thought we could start things off on the 24 November with Jim telling us
about his recent trip to Croatia during which the team he was with, had some
interesting historical dives. There will be an article in the new Dive
magazine around that time hence the timing of his talk.
As many of you will be aware, we start the new year with a dive weekend
planning meeting, choosing dive sites for the coming year and volunteers
putting their hands up to organise a given weekend. For the less experienced
members this can be a little daunting, however there are many willing
experienced hands who are more than happy to jointly organise a weekend.
This will be on 12 January, so please make every effort to be there.
With that in mind, we thought it might be useful to have a members night in
January but after 12th, where we take a look at why we organise weekends and
the sorts of things and skills that are required. As I shall be progressing
diving skills by starting Advanced Diver, it fits in nicely for me to take
this on.
In February, following the theme of organising and planning, Coops will take
us through the trip he organised in c1985 to Roatan. It will be interesting
for many of us to understand the complexities of organising such a
challenging exercise. For those of you who maybe don't know, it was
the trip to Roatan that LSSAU was formed.
In March, Marg will take us through the sorts of things she encounters on
her overseas trips, this time telling us about her most recent trip to Fiji.
It is always interesting to learn about the various things we divers find on
the seabed and deem sufficiently interesting, important, essential that we
have to bring them to the surface - broadly described as tat. As a well
experienced collector of tat, in April Rich will bring along various items
he has "saved" and invites everyone else to bring something along, along
some comment/ pictures etc as to where it came from and something as to what
it is and its origins if you know them. Who knows, there may be gold, buried
For May, with the weather hopefully warming up and the diving weekends
almost upon
us, we thought a session on how to correctly use the radio would be useful.
The current thinking is for us to invite someone with a fair degree of
specialist skills along to take us through the use and protocol of inshore
VHF radio.
Rather than continuing on and planning more for the rest of the year, we
thought it would be best to stop for now in June with Coops telling us about
Leicestershire's contribution to the space race with "The Skylark Years"
which he presented last year to the 50th anniversary of Leicester University
X-Ray Astronomy Group.
That leaves us with an open book for further subjects during the year and
for any member to volunteer to enthuse the rest of us in some chosen subject
or field of their choice. The great thing is that anyone can step forward.
The actual dates for each month are noted on the calendar in website, so please take a look and note them in your
diary. Hopefully this will give you all plenty of notice. I am sure that
they will be both enjoyable and interesting, more so if we get a good
turnout, so can I please encourage you to make a note to attend.
If I have missed names from this email, please forward it on to them as such
omission is by default not by design.