Friday, December 17, 2010

We have now had our last meeting of the year and will return Jan 6th 2011.
On the 6th Jan as normal we will be choosing all of our 2011 dates so if you
want any input on weekends away & any other events & you would like to take
part please show up on the 6th and put them forward.

I would like to wish everyone Merry Christmas & a Happy New year.

Kind Regards

Simon Askham - LSSAU - Snorkel Instructor

Friday, December 10, 2010

Just a quick note to say that next Thursday, the 16th Dec, we shall be
meeting at the Royal Oak in Bitteswell for a drink, a few nibbles and a chin
wag after the normal session at Lutterworth pool, say from 10pm onwards.

May I take the opportunity of wishing everyone a Happy Christmas and all the
very best for the New Year.

Hope we see you next Thursday.


Friday, October 22, 2010

My First Night Dive

By Alexander Halliwell

Yesterday evening was the first ever time that I went scuba diving at Stoney
Cove at night time, let me tell you that I enjoyed every second of that
My diving buddy was Marg and I am sure that if you asked her about the dive,
she will agree with me that we had the best diver ever.

We saw numerous pike from small to large, about a dozen if not more than
that. We also saw hundreds of crayfish including some that had decided to
climb up the weeds looking as if they were about to bungee jump. The more
usual fish perch and roach were also around, there were tiny perch as well
as big fat ones. But the real stars of the Dive were the PIKE! Including the
one that swam straight towards us.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

New Site Launched

Our new website has just been launched, hope you like it. If you have any issues or spot any errors please let me know.

Kind Regards

Simon Askham - LSSAU - Snorkel Instructor -

Leicestershire Scouts Sub Aqua Unit -

Nights away permits

As many of you will recall we discussed the need for a few more of us to hold nights away permits at the 2009 AGM. Scouting POR states that that at least one person attending a weekend away where there are under 18 year olds present should hold a nights away permit. There are only one or two members of the unit currently holding such a permit which could in the future create a problem whereby we might struggle to have a permit holder available to go on a weekend away.

In order that more unit members can be accredited with holding a nights away permit, we have arranged for Steve Pope from the Leicestershire caving unit (known to Simon Pilsworth) to come along to LSSAU on Thursday 28 October commencing at 8.00pm to do a talk/ workshop with as many of us as we wish regarding nights away permits. Following this he will make submissions to county for permits to be issued.

It would be great if we could have as many as possible attending so maximising the benefit of Steve coming over so giving us maximum flexibility and coverage for those attending future weekends away.

Cheers Geoff

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Executive meeting 23rd Sept

An Executive meeting will be held on this coming Thursday 23rd Sept 8pm at
the leisure centre.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Splash Camp 2010

Hi Everyone

We appear to have cruised through yet another Splash Camp with ease –
however as we all know these things don't just happen so a big thank you to
Simon for making sure we all turned up and thank you to everyone for turning
up and making sure it all happened.  Everyones efforts from teaching to
fetching and returning kit are all greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Photos can be seen in the gallery section.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Weymouth/ Portland dive weekend 24, 25 26 September 2010

Good morning one and all.

Given that we are getting close to the date when we have to crystallise numbers, I am seeking confirmation of those who would like to go.

At present I have firm commitment from Tim Beaver, Sam Watts, Mark Hartburn and Jack Walker.

Please therefore could I ask for anyone else who is interested to confirm such interest and for the four above to confirm that they remain interested.


This is to let you know that subject to interest, we have added an additional dive weekend to the calendar.

We had a cracking weekend in Weymouth earlier in the year and found the facilities in Portland harbour to be excellent.

Portland harbour offers some interesting wreck and scenic diving opportunities in waters of up to 20m that due to the shelter offered by the harbour, should be suitable for diving almost irrespective of the weather.

We have a number of newly qualified ocean divers and this weekend is offered as an ideal opportunity for them to extend their diving experience in sheltered open water.

Enquiries have been made as to the availability of nearby scout hut in Chickerell where we stayed in last time.

If you are interested in going, please will you let me know as soon as you can as I will need to firm up on the accommodation. It would be helpful if you let me know either way so that I know you received information regarding the weekend.

I would ask Andy Dunsworth to mention it to Wayne Potter, given you live close together.

I don’t have email addresses for some of the recently qualified ocean divers and so would ask Matt and Jim in particular to forward this email to anyone they see that I have missed. The same applies to the rest of you, if I have missed anyone, please could you let them know/ copy this email to them.


Friday, August 27, 2010

To All Members - Splash Camp Help 18th & 19th Sept

Hi All
It is that time again where we have Splash Camp on the horizon & I want to start getting a list of helpers together, help of any kind is required from poolside helping people getting kitted up to full on scuba try dives......
Date - Sept 18th & 19th Sept
Location - Roundhill Community College, 997 Melton Rd, Thurmaston, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE4 8GQ‎
Times - To be confirmed but I think if it is the same as last year it will be a sat afternoon & sun morning sessions.
If you can help that is great let me know and I will put you down on my list and if you require a lift over to the pool this can be arranged closer to the event.
Kind Regards
Simon Paul Askham - LSSAU - Snorkel Instructor
Leicestershire Scouts Sub Aqua Unit -

Try Dive price increase

As of Sept 2010 we have made the decision to increase the price of try dives from £5 to £8 for members of scouting & £10 for none scout members.

This is due to our overheads increasing, we often make a loss on pool & classroom hire.....

We still think this is a bargain for a try dive with the best Scout sub aqua unit in the world!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Important News - Change of location

Important News:

As of the 19th Aug we will no longer be meeting at the school classroom, we will now be using a room at the pool leisure centre! The time for the classroom session will still be 8-9!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Weymouth/ Portland dive weekend 24, 25 26 September 2010

This is to let you know that subject to interest, we have added an additional dive weekend to the calendar.


We had a cracking weekend in Weymouth earlier in the year and found the facilities in Portland harbour to be excellent.


Portland harbour offers some interesting wreck and scenic diving opportunities in waters of up to 20m that due to the shelter offered by the harbour, should be suitable for diving almost irrespective of the weather.


We have a number of newly qualified ocean divers and this weekend is offered as an ideal opportunity for them to extend their diving experience in sheltered open water.


Enquiries have been made as to the availability of nearby scout hut in Chickerell where we stayed in last time.


If you are interested in going, please will you let me know as soon as you can as I will need to firm up on the accommodation. It would be helpful if you let me know either way so that I know you received information regarding the weekend.


I would ask Andy Dunsworth to mention it to Wayne Potter, given you live close together.


I don’t have email addresses for some of the recently qualified ocean divers and so would ask Matt and Jim in particular to forward this email to anyone they see that I have missed. The same applies to the rest of you, if I have missed anyone, please could you let them know/ copy this email to them.







Tuesday, July 6, 2010

LSSAU weekend to Plymouth - Images


LSSAU weekend to Plymouth - Plymouth Sound & Whitsands Bay, Friday 2 to Sunday 4 July 2010

A most relaxed and enjoyable weekend attended by Jim, Matt Da, Geoff, James, Mark, Adam and Matt Dr,  accommodation being at the Brixton Scout hut, which features safe parking for the boat and good beer in the Foxhound Inn close by but is somewhat tired as a facility, although they are making efforts to improve things. 


Based on the weather forecast before we left Leicester, south westerly  force 2/3 rising force 5/6, we fully expected to be diving within the confines of Plymouth Sound, a large natural harbour protected from the extremes of the weather by a long breakwater. One of the seven P’s associated with planning must have come to our aid as Saturday morning rose with fine weather, wind easterly force 2/3.


We launched at Mountbatten and, having contacted Brixham coastguard to advise them of our plans, toodled off on the twenty five minute journey round past Cawsands Bay to Whitsands Bay with the plan of diving whichever of the Scylla and James Egan Layne had the least numbers of dive boats on it. The Scylla it was. Buddy pairs agreed, Mark and Matt Da, Adam and Matt Dr, and Jim, Geoff and James, we dropped in for a look round. Unfortunately, although he had checked it earlier, James suit started to leak when we were half way down. After a few minutes on the deck the leak was considered too great for safe diving and we returned to the marker line and back to the surface. Jim experienced a problem with his ears which also raised concerns about continuing the dive and which later, having not cleared satisfactorily, resulted in Jim making the decision not to dive the rest of the weekend. Those that got onto the Scylla had an enjoyable dive and noted a considerable increase in growth and life. 


We returned to Mountbatten for lunch and to fill up the cylinders and then back out to Whitsands Bay. Jim boat handled and Matt Dr and James remained on shore, having chosen not to dive that afternoon. The weather had deteriorated and the passage around the headland was sufficiently rough to make us think carefully about continuing, however on rounding the headland things improved and the decision to continue was vindicated with a very acceptable seas state over the James Egan Layne. Matt Da and Adam followed Geoff and Mark down onto the Egan Layne, the marker line dropping us onto a high point on the stern only five metres below the surface. Vis was

5-6 metres and a very enjoyable dive was had by all, even finding a large conger eel hiding down a pipe.


Cylinders dropped off for filling and collection the following day, we recovered the boat and returned to Brixton, for “Otter” and chilli spagbol. Having risen at 6am we were all pretty shattered and had retired by 10.30pm.   


Sunday started at a far more human time of 7am with sunshine but the weather forecast had caught up with itself – now blowing South Westerly straight into Whitsands Bay and the breakwater across Plymouth Sound. There was no way we could go beyond the confines of the harbour. Permission granted from the Longroom, we launched (8.5 out of 10 to Matt Dr for artistic impression), toodled across the sound to the inner breakwater wall and dropped in around a Martello tower (fort), circumventing it and then heading due south to turn left along the breakwater. A scenic and interesting dive with Matt Dr and James, Mark and Geoff, Matt Da and Adam was followed by a cylinder fill (for some) and a scenic dive in 6 to 9m off Bovisand before  returning to Mountbatten for boat recovery and  wash down. We then returned to Brixton to repack everything before setting off at 5pm to return to Foxbox for 10pm.


Thanks to Geoff for organising a relaxed and enjoyable weekend, cost being £62 per head. Thanks also to Alan for being home contact.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Plymouth dive weekend 2/3/4 July 2010

This is to let you know that the next dive weekend is now looming over the horizon, to be in just over three weeks time, Friday 2 July to Sunday 4 July.


Diving will be out of Plymouth, which depending on weather conditions, will hopefully include the Scylla and James Egan Lane, with accommodation booked fairly close by at the scout hut in Brixton.


I am organising the weekend and so would ask all interested parties to let me know if they would like to go.


As emails can sometimes get lost in transit, please can you let me know either way, if you are or are not interested in attending.


Details of the other weekends planned this year may be found on LSSAU website, www.scubascouts, within the calendar, so please have a look and see which of the weekends you can come along on, the next one being in early August to the Farne Islands.


I would ask Andy Dunsworth to mention it to Wayne Potter, given you live close by.


If I have missed anyone, please could you let them know/ copy this email to them.


Could I ask that you send your responses shortly as firstly, time is required in order to complete the necessary organising and secondly, numbers will be limited to the capacity of the boats.


I have confirmations so far from Roger Cooper, Matt Drage, Adam Marczak, Jim Mills and Matt Davies




LSSAU - first weekend to the seaside in 2010

LSSAU – first weekend to the seaside in 2010

Weymouth – Portland Harbour – Portland Bill, late Friday 4 June to late Sunday 6 June


Another cracking weekend with Marg, Jim, Coops (part, boat handling), Geoff, Adam and Dragey Jnr attending, accommodation was provided by Weymouth Air Scouts, Granby Close, Chickerell  comprising a great hut with pretty good facilities, all apart from parking which was a bit tight.


The Marquis of Granby a couple of hundred yards away, provided a suitable hostelry and meeting place having driven some 180 miles from Leicestershire to the “Jurassic” coast – what a suitable name for a beer.  Buddy pairs agreed, Marg and Adam, Jim and Matt, and Geoff and Simon, we partook of some biscuits and cheese before retiring to bed.


Saturday started and finished with bright sunshine and a flat calm sea. We launched at the Sailing Centre which is an excellent facility with lots of space and more than sufficient parking. The sea was perfect for the circa seven mile sea journey around the Bill to Blacknor Point where we successfully located the wreck of the James Fennel, a former naval tug that had sunk in 1920 in some 18 metres of water.  Located on the west side of the Bill close to Chesil Beach, all that remain of height  are the boiler and engine with the rest an organised pile of plates and girders. It had a lot of life on it with several species of fish and crabs easily spotted. Visibility was a good at around 6 metres, albeit the silt kicked up quite easily.


We stopped at Castletown for lunch and to fill the cylinders, which was very pleasant, before travelling out across Portland Harbour to dive the Countess of Erne, a former paddle steamer later converted to a coal hulk, which broke its moorings in September 1935 and sunk after hitting the harbour wall.  This remains intact with a pleasant swim through under the cross beams, all covered in weed, algae etc and with loads of fish and crab life. Visibility ranged from four metres at best to not a lot when the silt kicked up.


A quick jaunt back to the Sailing Centre to drop off Coops, who had to leave us early, and then we were back to Castletown to put cylinders in for filling before stopping on the way back to Chickerell at the Ferry Bridge, where we had the pleasure of meeting up with former unit members from Australia, Jamie and Milly, and Sam plus Sam’s mum Fiona and brother Conner.  They all joined us for our evening meal – a great evening being had by all.   


Sunday resumed the sunshine but the wind had risen and was making the harbour quite choppy. We left the harbour to dive on the leeward side of the middle wall under a former loading station built half way along its length.  This was a scenic dive with much of the interesting features lying in the six to eight metre belt.  The structures make it feel like a ship wreck and it is an artificial reef home to large spider crabs, Ballan Wrasse, Tom Pot blennies and the rare Black Face Blenny which was seen by all the divers.  We returned to the Sailing Centre for lunch and to rescue three youngsters who had got into distress and might otherwise have drowned, before returning them to their waiting parents......young crows that is.


Our final dive, finishing off the cylinders, was on the right hand mid wall of the harbour, the bones of a wreck called the Craigside which for many years has been unnamed but extensive work by NAS has made identification possible there is another wreck close by Enicuri, colloquially known as the Spaniard.  Both wrecks lie in approximately 12m.  Visibility wasn’t the best at around 2 to 3 metres or less when the silt kicked up.


Having washed the boat and kit down, we returned to the hut to load up and prepare for home.

Thanks go to Marg and Jim for organising a most enjoyable weekend.


Simon Pilsworth Scout Gala Sunday 13 June, 2pm until 5pm

Simon has asked if we can take our boat to a Scouts Gala to promote the unit, we will take the boat over to Willow Park in Wigston for around 1pm in readiness for the gala/ fete at 2.00pm and then man it until around 4.30pm when we can leave ahead of the official finish at 5.00pm.


Any unit helpers would be greatly received!


Monday, May 24, 2010

Portland Dive weekend

Hi All

Portland Dive Weekend 5th & 6th June

Anyone interested in joining the trip to Portland please notify me ASAP. We shall be travelling down on friday afternoon / evening and weather permitting having two days diving returning sunday.


Can anyone who has a more up to date contact list forward this on.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


This year's AGM will be help on Thurs 24th June 20:00 at the School, all members welcome.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Weymouth/ Portlanddive weekend 7/8/9 May 2010

The first dive weekend is now looming over the horizon, to be in a fortnights time, Friday 7 May to Sunday 9 May.


Diving will be in Portland harbour, where there are several vessels to go and have a look at, with accommodation booked close by.


Marg is organising the weekend and has asked me to send out an email to all potentially interested parties seeking responses from those who would like to go.


Please therefore, as emails can sometimes get lost in transit, can you let both Marg and myself know either way, if you are or are not interested in attending.


Could I ask that you send your responses shortly as time is required in order to complete the necessary organising.







Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Medicals 25th March

For those in need of an Open Water Medical Dr St John will be holding surgery @ 19.30 to 21.30


Thursday 25th March

At County Scout Centre (HQ) Winchester Road, Blaby

Please bring a 'wee sample' in a small shallow jar - no sample pots can be provided

Snorkell Instructors arrive early please.


Thursday, February 18, 2010


NO DIVING TONIGHT 18th FEB Due to snow, the school is closed there's been a couple of inches in Lutterworth and the roads are all a bit slow and dodgy.

Kind Regards

Simon Paul Askham - LSSAU - Snorkel Instructor

Leicestershire Scouts Sub Aqua Unit -

Friday, January 8, 2010

2010 Trips away dates added to calendar

Inland dive - Jim - When 9 - 10 Apr 2010

Weymouth - Marg When 7 - 8 May 2010

Cornwall - Jim When 4 - 5 Jun 2010

Plymouth - Geoff When 2 - 4 Jul 2010

Farnes - Adam & Matt When 6 - 8 Aug 2010

Scotland/Abroad Week Trip. When 4 - 11 Sep 2010 - TBC